Friday, February 27, 2015

Hard Sell vs. Soft Sell

Today we talked about the difference between a "hard sell" and a "soft sell" in the world of advertising.  A hard sell is when the advertiser tells you what you have to do directly, while a soft sell is when the advertiser suggesting things that you maybe could do that would make your life better (or make you more attractive, or make you cooler...).  Follow the link to the worksheet that we used for practice:

TV Commercials

This is a video we watched to practice our understanding of advertisements, and we wrote if these are hard, soft or medium sell, and what tricks they used to get us to think the way they want us to.

Plural Practice

Good practice for tricky plural words in English:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dove Evolution Narrative

Today in class, students completed the narrative story for the video in the previous post.  This is a story that should have the basics: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.  Yesterday in class we completed a basic plot diagram, and today we turned that outline into an actual narrative.  Follow the link for the rubric:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

dove evolution

Persuasion- Evolution

Today we finished yesterday's video, and then began a new video called "Evolution."  The assignment is for the students to write a narrative based on the Evolution video.  Today we took a look at all the parts of the story, and re-watched the video until we had sufficient details to write the narrative.  Tomorrow, group will be writing and editing their narrative version of this video:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

¿Necesita Español?

Si necesita leer esta página en español, puede cambiar la idioma en la parte superior y derecha!


Today we began talking about persuasion, and some of the emotions and intentions we can find in advertisements.  We started by doing the left hand column of 1.1 Extended Anticipatory Guide for all five of the questions.  Then with our elbow partners we used 1.2 Dyad Share to discuss our answers for each of the 5 questions.

We then watched this video without sound:
To go along with this video is a worksheet called 1.3 Video Response, and we did the first 3 rows as a class, talking about them with our partners and groups, and recapping it all at the end.

Tomorrow we will watch this video in class WITH sound, and talk about another video.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Persuasion Across Time & Space Pre-Assessment

Today we began a new unit about persuasion.  Follow the link if you were absent today, and turn this in to Mr. Johnston when you get back to school!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hercules- Compare & Contrast

This week's assignment in English is to compare and contrast a text version of "The Labors of Heracules" to the Disney version of "Hercules."  Below are a couple helpful links:

The Text Version:

The Assignment Sheet:

If you have Netflix, the Disney version is currently available.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


This week in class we read the story of Prometheus, and how the ancient Greeks believed he gave humanity fire.  Here is a copy of the worksheet that we did in