Friday, October 31, 2014

Mr. Johnston's Halloween Video of the Week

Final Drafts

Final drafts for most students were collected today.  If there are any questions or arrangements that need to be made for the Personal Narrative, please email Mr. Johnston.

Los pryectos final por la mayoria de los alumnos estaban recibido hoy.  Si hay mas preguntas o arreglos por el proyecto "Personal Narrative" contactarte Sr. Johnston directo.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Final Draft Checklist

These are the notes we took today in class, which will help students make sure they have everything they need tomorrow:

1.   Did you complete all of the worksheets?

  • Use Your Senses
  • Plot Diagram
  • Character Attribute Web

2.   Did you complete a rough draft, either on the 3 column worksheet, a piece of notebook paper, or typed?

3.   Did you check to make sure your paper meets the format requirements on the Personal Narrative Assignment Sheet?

4.   Did you re-read your paper to make sure you didn't make any type-o’s?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Personal Narrative- Rubric

In case you've been wondering, there is a rubric that we will be using to grade the Personal Narrative assignment.  Each section gets it's own grade, so students that are strong in one area get credit for what they are good at.  If you would like to look at this rubric, please follow the link:

Si estaban preguntando, hay un "rubric" que usamos cuando revisamos el "Personal Narrative" papel.  Cada seccion tiene su proprio marca, para que los alumnos con algunos fuerzas pueden recibir credito por las cosas que hacen bien.  Si quiere ver esta rubric en ingles (lo siento, pero no tengo en espanol), sigue el link:

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Personal Narrative- Rough Draft

Tomorrow the students will begin their rough draft for their own Personal Narrative.  Today we read and talked about a very good example written by one of the other English teachers here at SMMS.  If you would like to read a sample, please follow this link:

Mañana, los alumnos van a empezar su primer borrador por su proprio "Personal Narrative."  Hoy nos leemos y hablamos de un buen ejemplo escrita por un otro maestra de ingles aqui a  SMMS.  Si te gustaria leer este ejemplo, sigue esta link:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Personal Narrative Assignment Sheets

Today the students receive the assignment sheet for the Personal Narrative writing assignment.  This is the biggest grade for the first grading period, so it is really important that students stay focused for the next two weeks.  If you're following along, and would like to see what this assignment, please follow this link:

Hoy los alumnos recibir el pagina con todos los datos por el proyecto "Personal Narrative."  Eso es la tarea mas importante por la marca en el primir periodo.  Es muy impotante que estudiantes pon attencion por los dos semanas que sigue.  Si quiere mirar el pagina con todos los datos, sigue este link:

Monday, October 20, 2014

Personal Narrative

Today we started moving directly towards the Personal Narrative!  The students have groups and partners, and tomorrow we will begin brainstorming.  Stay tuned for updates and ideas that might help with this writing project.

Hoy comenzamos en el direcion directo al "Personal Narrative," el proyecto de escribir mas grande por el periodo.  Los alumnos estan en grupos y parejas, y manana empezamos buscando los asuntos y cuentas.  Se atento aqui por noticias y ideas que podia ayudar con este proyecto!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Video of the Week: Me Falla el Wifi (Life in the DR)

This week we have been reading a story from the most famous Dominican author, Julia Alvarez.  We have viewed some of Mr. Johnston's personal photos, and to get a feel for what the Caribbean is like we watched this video:

Esta semana hemos leyendo una historia de la escritora mas famosa de la Republica Dominicana, Julia Alvarez.  Hemos vistado algunos de las fotos personal de Sr. Johnston, y para aprender el siento del Caribe vimos este video:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


If you need to take a make-up test or quiz, please make arrangements with Mr. Johnston.  The best time to re-take something is during an advisory period.  If you have any questions about grades or classwork, please contact me at

Si necacitas retomar una prueba o examen, hace arreglos con Sr. Johnston.  Lo mejor tiempo para retomar algo es durante el periodo "advisory."  Si tienes preguntas de marcas o tarea, ponerte en contacto conmigo a

Monday, October 13, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Zebra Quiz

Wednesday, October 15th we will have a quiz on the short story "Zebra" from our literature book.  This quiz is a combination of short answer and matching, and will be in the summative category, the part that is 75% of the overall grade.  You have 3 useful documents to help.  Good Luck!

Miercoles el 15 de octubre, vamos a tomar una prueba breve de la cuenta "Zebra" en nuestro libro de texto.  Esta prueba es un combinación de respuestas cortas y cuestionario correspondiente, y es en la categoria "sumativa".  Las sumativas son 75% de la marca en mi clase.  Ustedes tengan 3 documentos útiles para ayudar.  Buena Suerte!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Mr. Johnston's Video/Photo of the Week

Most weeks, Mr. Johnston picks a video or photo of the week.  These can be funny, serious, or downright amazing.  Here is an example:

Assignment Log & Documents

If you are trying to keep track of which assignments we have completed in class, look on the upper right side toolbar for "Helpful Links" and click on the Assignment Log link.  This link will take you to a Google Document version of our current assignment log. Also in the "Helpful Links" section is a link for documents, in case you can't remember what a document looks like, or need to print yourself a new copy.  I hope this makes tracking English classwork a little bit easier!

Si esta siguiendo de que tarea hemos completado en nuestra clase, busca al lado derecho por el menu llamado "Helpful Links" y elejir el link "Assignment Log."  Eso es una lista de la tarea hasta ahora.  Tambien en lo mismo menu, hay un selecion por documentos de tarea si hay causo necacita una copia nueva o recuerdo de que parece una tarea.  Espero que ustedes pueden encontrar que necacitan, y la vida es un poquito mas facil!